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Our Story

Welcome to CNY Snow Travelers in Oneida & Madison Counties, New York

In the 1990’s, 2 other clubs merged with WASTA to make it the largest club in NY South of the Thruway, with approximately 200 miles of trails. With these mergers the club now covers Oneida and Madison counties. Waterville, Solsville, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Deansboro, and the Sherrill area are some of the destinations on our trail system. Because we cover such a vast area, we decided in 2006 to change the name to CNY Snow Travelers, to more accurately reflect who we are. 



Many of our trails are shared with cross country skiers, hikers, snowshoers, and horseback riders.



Our trails are groomed by 4 Tucker 2000 groomers, 3 eight and a half-feet wide Trail Paver drags and 1 Mogul Master.


Other Equipment

For year round signing and maintenance, the club has a John Deere Gator,  2 Bobcat UTVs, a Yamaha Viking EPS, chainsaws and other necessary tools to get the job done. Our members are all volunteer and their time along with the use of dozers, backhoes, dump trucks, brush hogs and other heavy equipment for building and maintaining trails is a valuable asset to keeping the club going.



Since the majority of snowmobile trails in NY State are on private property, the landowner is the backbone of any trail system. Use of private property is a privilege, not a right! Landowners that allow trails on their property are covered by the General Obligations Law. The club works with the landowners to create the best trails possible, while minimizing the inconvenience to the landowner. The club clearly marks where snowmobile traffic is allowed. Gates and various signs are put up at the request of our landowners.



As well as building and maintaining a trail system, our club conducts a youth safety course each year. Education and communication are done through our website, newsletters, and our monthly meetings.



We’re always looking for new ideas.

What do you have in mind? Come to a meeting and lets talk about getting something started.



In 2006 the Snowmobile Rights and Responsibilities Act was signed into law click here to read the SRRA legislation. The object of SRRA is to promote safety and education, and increase the volunteer base of snowmobile clubs that maintain trail systems in NY. Snowmobilers that are members of a NYSSA recognized club will save $55 on their yearly registration. Those that are not members must pay $100 for registration. Either way, $5 goes to NYS and the balance is returned to the clubs in trail funding.

You can take advantage of the savings for club members by joining now (click here to join CNY Snow Travelers Inc). We charge the state minimum of $30.00 to join which includes your NYSSA membership. Lifetime memberships are available for $255. After becoming a life member, you only need to pay your $5 NYSSA dues and $1 to SledNY each year.


Club Meetings

Club meetings are open to the general public.

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm. at the Clifford Fulmer American Legion, 8083 State Route 20, Waterville, NY 13480.  Please join us, we’re always in need of volunteers and value everyone’s input.


Ride safe, yield to the groomers and respect all landowners.


See you on the trail!

© 2023 by CNY Snow Travelers, Inc.  Powered and secured by Wix

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